Monday, May 19, 2008

May 4, 2008 I was sustained, ordained and set apart as Bishop

I was called and set apart as the Bishop of the Orem Utah Lakeview 7th ward on Sunday May 4th 2008. It has now been two weeks and for me a testimony that the mantel placed upon my shoulders is real. In no way did I ever imagine that this could happen until about a month earlier when our Bishop Vogel was called into the Stake Presidency. I began to panic a little and then came a calm feeling. after I was called and set apart this calm has remained with me. The spirit has been strong in the few interviews that I have had and I know that the Lord is using this weak individual to direct his work. I Love the Lord with all my heart, I know that God Lives and Jesus is the Christ. I know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God and that we have a Prophet today in President Monson. I do feel inadequate but have faith that the Lord will fill that area up with inspiration and guidance. I know that Becky is my best supporter and I love her for that. So here we go.

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